Let’s Find Out The Best Tropical Fish to Keep in your Freshwater Aquarium
Tropical fishkeeping is one of the most fulfilling hobbies for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Tropical fish are known for their vibrant colours, variety of species, and the calming effect they have on their surroundings. Choosing the best tropical fish depends on various factors, including the size of your aquarium, water conditions, maintenance, and personal preference. This guide explores several species, considering ease of care, temperament, and their compatibility with others to help you find the perfect fish for your home aquarium.
Understanding the Basics of Tropical Fishkeeping
Before selecting the best tropical fish, it’s important to understand the key aspects of maintaining a tropical aquarium. Tropical fish thrive in warm waters, typically between 72°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C), and they require a stable environment. Ensuring the tank is properly cycled, maintaining water parameters like pH and hardness, and regular filtration are critical to their health. Moreover, tropical fish come in two main types:
- Freshwater tropical fish: Easier to care for and ideal for beginners.
- Saltwater tropical fish: More challenging to maintain but often more colourful and diverse in species.
For beginners, freshwater species are generally recommended due to their adaptability and lower maintenance. Below is a comprehensive list of the best tropical fish for various experience levels, tank sizes, and preferences.
1. Betta Fish (Betta splendens)

- Difficulty level: Beginner to intermediate
- Tank size: Minimum 5 gallons
- Water conditions: 75-80°F (24-27°C), pH 6.5-7.5
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive (males); solitary fish
Betta fish are one of the most popular tropical fish for beginners due to their stunning colours, unique personalities, and relative ease of care. Bettas are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe air from the surface, making them adaptable to tanks without heavy filtration.
However, male Bettas are territorial and should not be housed with other males or fish with long, flowing fins, as they may become aggressive. Bettas do well on their own but can also thrive in a community tank with calm, non-aggressive species like Corydoras or snails.
2. Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 70-81°F (21-27°C), pH 6.0-7.0
- Temperament: Peaceful; schooling fish
Neon Tetras are small, peaceful fish that are perfect for community aquariums. Their shimmering blue and red colours add a pop of vibrancy to any tank. Since they are schooling fish, they need to be kept in groups of at least six or more to feel comfortable and exhibit their natural behaviour.
Neon Tetras are hardy and do well in planted tanks with stable water conditions. They are also relatively inexpensive, making them a great choice for aquarists who want to start with a colourful and lively tank.
3. Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 5 gallons
- Water conditions: 72-82°F (22-28°C), pH 7.0-8.0
- Temperament: Peaceful; active
Guppies are another popular choice for beginners due to their hardiness and wide range of colour varieties. These fish are livebearers, meaning they give birth to free-swimming fry, so be prepared for a population boom if you have both males and females in the tank.
Guppies thrive in small community tanks and are known for their active nature. They get along well with other peaceful species, but due to their small size, they should be kept with non-aggressive tank mates like tetras or dwarf shrimp.
4. Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras spp.)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 72-78°F (22-25°C), pH 6.0-7.8
- Temperament: Peaceful; bottom-dweller
Corydoras catfish are an excellent addition to any freshwater community tank. These small, armoured catfish are peaceful bottom-dwellers that spend their time scavenging for food, making them great for keeping the tank clean.
They are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of at least six. Corydoras are compatible with a variety of other peaceful species and are very easy to care for, making them perfect for beginners who want a diverse and active tank.
5. Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)

- Difficulty level: Intermediate
- Tank size: Minimum 20 gallons
- Water conditions: 76-82°F (24-28°C), pH 6.5-7.5
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive; territorial
Angelfish are one of the most striking freshwater tropical fish due to their elegant, triangular fins and varied coloration. Although they are hardy, they require a bit more care than some beginner fish due to their semi-aggressive nature and need for space.
Angelfish can be kept in community tanks with caution. It’s important to avoid housing them with smaller fish like Neon Tetras, as they may become prey. However, they do well with larger tetras, Corydoras, and other peaceful fish. Their size and fin length make them more sensitive to overcrowded or turbulent environments, so proper tank setup is key.
6. Dwarf Gourami (Trichogaster lalius)

- Difficulty level: Intermediate
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 72-82°F (22-28°C), pH 6.0-7.5
- Temperament: Peaceful; slightly territorial
The Dwarf Gourami is known for its vibrant colours and calm nature. This species can be an excellent centerpiece fish in a community tank due to its striking appearance. They do best in tanks with plenty of plants and hiding spots.
Dwarf Gouramis are relatively hardy but can be prone to stress and illness if water quality is not maintained. They can be housed with other peaceful fish but should not be placed with aggressive or fin-nipping species like Barbs.
7. Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 64-75°F (18-24°C), pH 6.5-7.0
- Temperament: Peaceful; schooling fish
Zebra Danios are a great choice for beginners due to their hardiness and adaptability to various water conditions. Their black-and-white stripes make them easy to spot in the tank, and they are highly active, which brings life to the aquarium.
They are schooling fish, so it’s best to keep them in groups of six or more. Zebra Danios are compatible with most other peaceful species and do well in community tanks.
8. Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 70-82°F (21-28°C), pH 7.0-8.3
- Temperament: Peaceful; livebearer
Platies are easy-going fish that come in a variety of bright colours. They are livebearers, similar to Guppies, so breeding is common in home aquariums. Platies are hardy and adaptable to various water conditions, making them ideal for beginners.
These fish are highly social and get along well with other peaceful species. They thrive in well-planted tanks and are very active, often swimming around the middle levels of the aquarium.
9. Molly (Poecilia sphenops)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 10 gallons
- Water conditions: 72-82°F (22-28°C), pH 7.0-8.0
- Temperament: Peaceful; livebearer
Mollies are another excellent livebearing species for beginners. They come in a variety of colors and can tolerate a range of water conditions, from freshwater to slightly brackish environments.
Mollies are peaceful but active fish that do well in community tanks with other livebearers, Tetras, or Corydoras. They require clean, well-maintained water and thrive in planted aquariums.
10. Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)

- Difficulty level: Beginner
- Tank size: Minimum 15 gallons
- Water conditions: 73-81°F (23-27°C), pH 6.0-7.0
- Temperament: Peaceful; schooling fish
Cherry Barbs are small, vibrant red fish that are ideal for peaceful community tanks. They are active and enjoy swimming in schools of six or more. They prefer planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots to reduce stress.
Unlike other Barbs, Cherry Barbs are not aggressive and can be kept with a wide range of peaceful fish. Their small size and peaceful nature make them a great choice for beginners looking for a low-maintenance yet lively species.
When choosing the best tropical fish to keep, it’s essential to consider your aquarium setup, experience level, and the type of environment you want to create. For beginners, hardy species like Guppies, Neon Tetras, and Corydoras are excellent choices due to their ease of care and peaceful nature. These fish can thrive in community tanks and provide a colourful, lively display without requiring extensive maintenance.
For more experienced aquarists, species like Angelfish and Dwarf Gouramis can add a striking focal point to the aquarium, though they may require more attention to water conditions and tank mates. Whether you are looking for vibrant colours, unique personalities, or peaceful tank companions, there’s a tropical fish species for every aquarist.
Ultimately, the best tropical fish for your aquarium depends on creating a harmonious environment where the fish can thrive. With proper care and consideration, any of these species can bring beauty and joy to your aquatic space.